Reporting Claims
Your Claim Is Important To Us
Whenever your business suffers an earthquake or flood loss, your claim will be handled in a timely manner. Use the following number or email to report your claim immediately, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the information yet (see claim checklist below).
Following your report, we’ll contact you. You will be assigned to an independent adjuster who will meet with you, inspect your loss and assist you in settling your claim as soon as possible.
Claim Checklist
Remember to report losses as soon as possible—don’t wait. Just provide as much information as you can, including the checklist below.
- Your company name and if applicable the parent company and insured name
- Your contact information (name, phone, extension, title)
- The address and state in which the loss occurred
- Policy number
- Date and time of the loss
- Description of the loss
- What loss is involved (real property, personal property, etc.)
- What, if any, other insurance may be available to cover the loss